Thinking About Eve

Eve - Her life, journey When we start off reading about Eve, the story sounds cliched (no offense - I'm referring to how many times the beginning story is read and preached about!). The perfect woman saw how imperfect she could be when God's not around. Eve Saw the Before & After The first lady saw the before and after version of the perfect earth. More or less, she must think it was solely her responsibility to have the earth totally change in front of her own eyes. She not only crossed a line herself but also dragged Adam into it. We need to remember here that Eve was created to provide a suitable helper for Adam. But the way she chose to help him made him the ultimate breadwinner of the family. Also, from the helper (an exact equal), she got demoted to being ruled by her husband. My mind is going tangent I want to discuss a lot of things about her, but let's just discuss how awesome she handled it all. Handling it, Well! Knowing ...