

In HIS silence let me wait, In my folly, he'll let me repent # all_of_HIM   # ALL_of_me   # chritst_centerend_Christianity

Where to point? ;)

Don't point me to the skies, There's lot beyond to see Don't point me to others, They've gone a rougher way Don't point me to the worst, Even now I feel sorry for them Don't point me to the saints, They are spiritual giants Don't point me to my past, I had few happy days to count on Don't point me to my family, I have lot pain to give em Point me to jesus , yes point me to cross Point me to dear Lord and his loving wounds, His pierced hands and his side, Point me to HIM and HIM ALONE....

Rules or no rules?

I saw a video on YouTube..   "Usain Bolt's world record event". 💖 I started watching it, the introduction, warm-up then the race. It was so magical a run! I thought he was extraordinary in his performance. I watched the replay with same awestruck fascination. But in the end, when he was interviewed he says, "Sure I've made a world record, but my technique was wrong"! Such  a startling statement! Imagine our life that way.  Unfortunately or fortunately, ours is a race where the race track moves.  We never know when we reach the finish line. But when we are nearing it, we better have the affirmation that our journey had had eternal relevance and conformed to rules. We better not regret about our technique that it was wrong when everybody is appreciating us for our seemingly great spiritual life. "2timothy 2:5...   a contender does not receive the crown unless he competes according to the rules"