Dear no readers,

2 views is all that I have for my present posts. (those are mine, I viewed them twice to see how the formatting looked).

Here I am writing to IMPACT the WORLD with zero readers and there you are not even trying to find posts with incredible messages. Sarcasm apart, today it is not discouraging to not have readers. Today it's encouraging to be able to write with a peaceful mind, a comforted heart, and a rested body.

Not Discouraged At All - Naaha! 

Woke up to a beautiful winter morning and pleasant light through the window. And though I have innumerable things that I can be grateful for.

  • Thank you, Lord, for all the good people in my life.
  • Thank you for those who love me.
  • Thank you for the good health and financial security.
  • Thank you for the beautiful weather.
  • Thank you for all your providence.
  • Thank you for being the God of my life.
  • Thank you for the healing and miracles.
  • Thank you for all the people who get the bad side of me, I get to repent and correct myself.

Today the list is going endlessly. I'm not sure where to stop. Just grateful for all that HE has given. Surely,  all that I have is what I received and I cannot boast about it. 



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