Positive Thinking

Dear no readers at all,

Today is the day to think about positive thinking....

Let's remember Jabez's prayer.

  • Lord that you would bless me indeed.
  • And enlarge my borders.
  • That your hand would be with me.
  • That you'll keep me from evil.
  • So I won't cause you pain.

As I read from Bruce Wilkinson's book, he wrote that the very name Jabez means "PAIN".
Such a negative name to give it to a baby!

But the man named Pain is praying all positive. He seems to not believe in the reason why he should be named Pain and why he shouldn't ask for God's goodness on his life. These days when a small event shakes people's self esteem, praying that way when your name itself is "Pain" is quiet a feat!

So let us all remember, that whatsoever we might be going through or feeling through, we can always pray for HIS blessings on our lives.

If you want to read that book, here's the link - Get Your Copy

Image result for prayer of jabez


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