My Dad's Salvation Story

Simplest Introduction To My Dad

We (me and my brother) grew up in a Christian family, as in my mom was a believer. She bought us up in Sunday school and with Christian values.

My dad was okay with going to church. He used to attend the church and allow us to choose if we wanted to follow Christ. But initially, he never liked Christians. He felt Christians were hypocrites and the pastors were the head of that department. He believed that there was God, but didn't know Him personally.

God Change Lives!

So one day, he thought for himself, that if there really is a God, he would see a change! A change that he said was that which would transform him to be a better person internally and externally. My dad was a man of morals and integrity, but this, in my opinion, was his internal quest that in God's sight, he wasn't good enough.

Then he told me that he decided he would find out for himself if there really was a god, He'd bring in him the holy transformation. So he started his morning routine. He was an early riser, and he utilized that time to spend it with God. He started singing a song and praying and reading some parts of the Bible.

Growing in The Knowledge Of Jesus Christ 

As he kept at the practice and routine, he said he learned more about God, His ways, and His friendship. When I asked my dad when he exactly knew that he was saved (born again), he replied, "I am deeply convicted of my sinful state and that I have forgiveness from Christ. God spoke to me through Isaiah several times that my sins were forgiven and forgotten." And he added, " but this wasn't a day process it happened over time." God shaped him day by day - this I as a daughter can testify.

My dad, as the days passed by, did less of singing and more of devouring the scriptures and marveling at God. He used to seek His face every day of his life. He prayed more and studied even more. He discussed all the time of this - How great our God is, How AWESOME He is, How lovely He is and What a GREAT sacrifice it was on the cross.

Am skipping a lot of details here to make this lil less lengthy...

Faithful Even Unto Death 

But as he was nearing his death (he was diagnosed with cancer), though it grieved him to leave us all here, he endured it silently like a lamb, he never complained. He was faithful to God even unto death. I am a witness to that.

Am grateful to God that I not only have the most loving dad, but I also got to see him being transformed into the likeness of God.

Thanks for believing in me Dad': celebrating dads on Father's Day 2013


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