My Testimony (Briefly)

Saved by Grace, Called to Love 

Hey there,

Elora here! 

Here's how I got into a personal relationship with God. 

If you are new to this concept - do comment below, and I would be glad to help you understand the jazz around this topic. 

So, going back to my story... 

I grew up in Church going, Sunday honoring, family. I have memories of my childhood where my grandma would tell me and my brother stories from the Bible. Stories of Abraham, Samuel, Samson, Daniel, and so on... (honestly, I didn't like Abraham at all, he was ready to kill his son, and I would imagine myself in Isaac's place sometime). I grew up going to Sunday School and learning that if we confess our sins, Jesus would forgive me. 

One Saturday evening, my heart was getting heavier. I now know that it was the Holy Spirit God who had filled my heart with such an awareness of my sinful state. I was 11 years old when this happened. I rushed to my mom and said, "mom, I need God, I need to change." My mom immediately responded to my cry for help, she and I went back into my room, and we started praying. As we started praying, God helped me confess my sins, my need for him, and his forgiveness. I wept and wept, and as I said Amen, I knew something happened in my heart. I opened my Bible to look for a verse that would encourage me, and God gave me Isaiah 49:8


I will keep you and will make you
    to be a covenant for the people,
to restore the land
    and to reassign its desolate inheritances,
to say to the captives, ‘Come out,’
    and to those in darkness, ‘Be free!’

God called me right there. (I knew in my heart that God was calling me to be a missionary).

The forgiveness in my heart stayed. I wept the whole night, sensing the love of God and feeling overwhelmed by His unconditional love. The following Sunday morning, I woke up so joyful. As the song goes, "Heaven came down, and glory filled my soul when at the cross my savior made me whole" - was true for me. I enjoyed the glory of His presence in my heart. 

Everything seemed new, I felt fresh, felt like I was a new creation! 

Sunday morning, my mom very joyfully told my pastor that I had accepted Christ as my personal Saviour. And my pastor was so happy to hear the news, and he told me that there was a party in heaven when I was saved. The angels rejoice even if a single soul be saved. My little heart was thrilled to hear that heaven was harmoniously celebrating my salvation. 

After this remarkable event, my appetite for the word of God and to learn more about him increased. I had an insatiable hunger for Him, I would spend days meditating on God, His word. Every time I pick up my Bible, he speaks to me. My heart burns within when I read God's word. 

Since then, God communicates with me, gently, been guiding me in His ways. Corrected many areas where I needed correction. Encouraged me when I was low. There have been times where life was difficult, I was upset with budging to the will of God - but God knows I am but dust. All I need is Christ, I belong to Him, and He has always been faithful. 


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